Once an NFT has been bought, holders will have to opt in to redeem the wine-NFT by linking the holding-wallet to our website and following the holder and DID verification process.
Once opted in to redeem the wine-NFT, reselling of the NFT will be frozen for 30 days and the NFT will be marked in its metadata and the image, as having left our custody.
If a holder ever wants to resell after redeeming the wine-NFT, we offer our own brokerage marketplace where NFTs that represent a wine-NFT that has not been opened, can be put up for sale where we will broker the deal between the holder and a new buyer by a using an escrow-multisig smart contract. The deals that we help broker, will be marked into the NFT’s metadata as well, for potential future buyers to view the historical states and determine the current state of validity of the secondary sale.
Last updated